WRLA Webinar: Building Your Workforce with Interns
Speaker: Careers Alberta
DATE: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
TIME: 1:00 p.m. CST
Topic(s): HR/Career Dev
General Outline:
Introduction to CAREERS: Learn about CAREERS and what programs and initiatives they offer for the youth of Alberta, such as offering internship programs and creating initiatives that help young women and Indigenous youth.
Youth Internship Incentive Program (YiiP Funding): The Youth Internship Incentive Program (YiiP Funding) helps businesses go through the internship process.
YiiP payments will be provided to employers after the minimum required hours across the minimum necessary number of internships.
Funding can be utilized to offset expenses incurred in providing a work-integrated learning experience, including:
- Student Wages
- Safety Training Requirements
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) directly related to the student’s position.
- Mentorship Support
For more information, download this PDF about the YiiP program.
Lastly, why your business should support the youth in Alberta.
Q&A Session: An opportunity to discuss with the guest speakers for information or questions regarding the intern hiring process and/or about CAREERS.
About Careers Alberta:
CAREERS is a unique, industry-led public/private not-for-profit foundation established in 1997. It brings together industry, schools, government, and communities to guide youth into successful career paths. Together with our school partners we are motivating students by making the workplace an extension of the classroom, preparing them for a future where they are in-demand!
More on their website: https://www.careersnextgen.ca/