Yard & Warehouse

In-person session: TBD

Member Cost (Level 1 only): $499
Member Cost (Levels 1-3): $1,199

This comprehensive course, spanning three levels, is designed to equip logistics and warehouse management professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve excellence in warehouse operations. 

Throughout the course, participants will gain a deep understanding of critical aspects of warehouse management and develop strategies for optimizing efficiency, reducing costs, and fostering a culture of excellence. Each level is structured as a combination of theoretical concepts, practical applications, case studies, and interactive discussions. Upon successful completion of Level 1, participants will be required to complete additional online learning before advancing to Level 2, and the same progression applies for Level 3. This tiered approach ensures that learners build upon their knowledge progressively, ultimately becoming adept warehouse management professionals.

Register for Yard &
Warehouse Management

close up of a person holding wooden corner ends on a wooden table, along with tools and wooden scraps strewn about on the table