Advocacy Bulletin Archive
Read Our Past Bulletins
| February
Leveraging opportunity at home – the case for Canadian economic reform
February 5, 2025
We are cautiously optimistic regarding the 30-day tariff reprieve announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Donald Trump. However, we remain concerned with the mere threat of a 25% tariff on most Canadian exports to the United States...
| September
Update on U.S. Softwood Tariffs
September 11, 2024
With the recent announcement of new US tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber, the WRLA and our members are obviously paying close attention to developments. Today, we have an update on new action from the federal government on this ongoing dispute.
2024 |
WRLA Statement on CNP and CPKC Labour Update and Possible Lockout
August 16, 2024
A Call to Action for Members to Engage Their MP's.
Late last week, the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) issued decisions in relation to both Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) labour disputes, stating in both decisions that a work stoppage “would not result in such an immediate and serious danger” to the safety and health of the public...
2024/2025 Advocacy Program: You're Invited to Participate!
August 7, 2024
While progress has been made, we have a lot of work to do and success in this program requires continuous effort from the staff team and collaboration from our members to really bring issues impacting their business to the forefront.
| March
WRLA Tackles Carbon Tax
March 26, 2024
We believe that now is the time for a concerted effort across the lumber and building materials sector to highlight how punitive carbon taxes are.
2023 |
Addressing Labour Challenges Head On
August 17, 2023
Recapping WRLA efforts to discuss the needs of the industry with Manitoba Provincial Government.
2023 |
Federal Cabinet Shuffle
July 28, 2023
Notes on the new names and faces in different federal cabinet positions.
WRLA response to West Coast Port Worker's Strike
July 6, 2023
WRLA signed onto an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau along with 100+ other associations across Canada.
2023 |
Alberta Election Update
May 31, 2023
Recapping the Alberta Provincial Election.
State of Advocacy as of May 2023
May 26, 2023
Updating members on WRLA Advocacy efforts so far in 2023.
2023 |
Provincial Budget Roundup
April 19, 2023
What do the different provinces' 2023 budgets hold for WRLA members?
| January
Government representatives at the Building & Hardware Showcase
January 31, 2023
Recapping government interest in WRLA's members at the 2023 Building & Hardware Showcase.
2022 |
Manitoba Legislature Day
December 2, 2022
WRLA presents member issues to members of Manitoba's Parliament.
2022 |
Gypsum Tariffs
August 24, 2022
The saga of gypsum tarrifs US imports into Western Canada continues.
2022 |
Update on Hill Day Meetings
June 14, 2022
WRLA President Liz Kovach was back in Ottawa to participate in meetings that focused on areas of transportation, labour and housing.
2022 |
The 2022 Federal Budget
April 16, 2022
WRLA President Liz Kovach breaks down the latest 2022-23 federal budget recently released by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.
| March
Joint letter from MB, SK and AB Premier's regarding potential CP strike or lockout
March 17, 2022
Joint letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Call to Action! Transport Canada Supply Chain Engagement
March 9, 2022
WRLA President Liz Kovach asks members to provide information to ensure that our industry member’s challenges and potential solutions are considered.
| February
Call to Action! Made in Alberta by Albertans
February 2, 2022
Made in Alberta by Albertans a stakeholder engagement discussion and call to action hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development.
| January
WRLA President Liz Kovach asks members to provide metrics on supply chain challenges which we need to collect in order to engage with policy makers.
January 19, 2022
Made in Alberta by Albertans a stakeholder engagement discussion and call to action hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development.
| November
Building Materials Update
November 5, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach breaks down the latest building materials update.
Federal Cabinet Changes & MB's New Premier
November 5, 2021
Prospectus Associates put together a newsletter on the federal cabinet changes and the election of Mantioba's new premier.
| October
Manitoba Business Grant Opportunity
October 22, 2021
Calling all Manitoba businesses! The province announced a new grant for digital initiatives that could reward you with up to $25,000!
Building Materials Update
October 7, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach breaks down the latest building materials update.
| September
Election 2021 Results and Wrap up
September 1, 2021
Prospectus Associates put together a newsletter on the 2021 federal election.
An Election Up for Grabs
September 1, 2021
Prospectus Associates put together a newsletter on the upcoming federal election.
| August
Surprising Start to Election 2021
August 27, 2021
Prospectus Associates put together a newsletter on the upcoming federal election.
Building Materials Update
August 26, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach breaks down the latest building materials update.
2021 |
Building Materials Update
July 23, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach breaks down the latest building materials update and the impact of forest fires on the supply chain.
Survey on Political Advocacy Priorities
July 22, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach asks for members' feedback on federal government advoacy priorities.
Transport Canada Update
July 8, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach provides an update after our meeting with Transport Canada where she went over members' concerns.
| June
WRLA Building Materials Update
June 10, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach gives an update on the current state of building materials in Canada.
Transport Canada Meeting
June 3, 2021
WRLA President Liz Kovach recaps a meeting with Transport Canada where she went over members' concerns.
2021 |
Increased Lumber Thefts
May 31, 2021
WRLA gathers police tips to keep members' teams, businesses and products safe.
Federal Government Announces Retrofit Grant
May 28, 2021
WRLA Praises Federal Government's New Retrofit Grant.
Minister Carr's Office Meeting
May 27, 2021
2021 Spring Building Materials Update 2.
| April
Supply Chain Concerns
April 13, 2021
2021 Spring Building Materials Update.
| February
Pre-budget submission for consideration to Manitoba Government
February 19, 2021
To ensure that the WRLA continues to represent the industry, a pre-budget submission was issued to the Minister of Finance for review and consideration as the Manitoba Government works toward their next fiscal budget.
Roundtable Discussion with Federal Minister Jim Carr
February 16, 2021
The WRLA alongside other stakeholders was invited to participate in a Roundtable Discussion with Minister Jim Carr, Special Representative for the Prairies. The purpose of the meeting was to bring organizations together that represent various businesses and industries that contribute to the Saskatoon Region and Provincial economy.
| January
What's the Story with Lumber? Webinar Panel
January 28, 2021
WRLA president Liz Kovach was a key panelist in the Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA) recent exclusive webinar discussion with CHBA CEO Kevin Lee, Michael Almond of Canfor, Derek Nighbor of Forest Products Association of Canada & Paul Quinn of RBC on lumber shortages, skyrocketing prices and where to go from here. To watch the full webinar click below.
| December
Home Renovation Tax Credit Details
December 4, 2020
"The WRLA, in addition to several partnering stakeholders, advocated for an eco-retrofit programs either in the form of tax credits or grants. The 2016 Census identified 4.5 million dwellings that require minor or major repairs. We are pleased to see that the federal government listened to recommendations from the industry and its partners and will support economic recovery while taking action towards climate strategy."
| October
Member Memo: New Resources & Small Business Funding for Western Canada
October 28, 2020
"We continue to follow developments in the funding arena to support business and want to provide you with an update as this may benefit your company."
Saskatchewan Party Win = Renovation Tax Credit A Go!
October 27, 2020
"Scott Moe’s Saskatchewan Party secured its fourth consecutive majority mandate. The WRLA is thrilled for our members at this outcome as this means that the Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC) announced on September 30, 2020 is now effective!"
| August
Advocacy Bulletin #9
August 18, 2020
While it may have been some time since the last bulletin, the WRLA team and government relations committee volunteers have continued to work diligently behind the scenes. And there is no time like the present to reiterate that we are here to support you. Our focus is on the betterment of the LBM industry and working on programs and services that you can take advantage of to grow your business, industry connections and knowledge!
| July
Sask Party Listens to WRLA
July 15, 2020
"Scott Moe, Leader of the Saskatchewan Party announced today that if the Saskatchewan Party is re-elected, the government will introduce a Home Renovation Tax Credit. From the beginning of the pandemic, the WRLA has been advocating for a renovation and eco-retrofit tax credits as a strategic way to support economic recovery. We are very pleased that the government listened to our requests and took our proposals to support economic recovery into consideration."
Working Towards Recovery, Part 2
July 15, 2020
A letter to provincial and federal governments on emerging from the pandemic and the role for building supply dealers. The building supply dealers sector will be an important driver of economic activity as the national economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
| June
Economic Impact Report
June 23, 2020
A report on the economic value and footprint of the building supply sector in the Prairies "The building supplies dealers sector across the Prairie provinces is a strategically important retail sector with more than 1,300 stores employing 27,000 staff and generating $7.2 billion in sales in 2019."
Advocacy Bulletin #8 - Advocacy Call to Action - We want to hear from you!
June 1, 2020
"...To ensure we stay current on the issues that are impacting members and help us understand any concerns we may need to address or potentially bring forward, we are asking you to provide us with feedback. We have two short surveys that we kindly ask you to complete this week..."
| May
Member Memo #6 - COVID-19 New Resources & Federal Funding for Businesses
May 12, 2020
"...As we progress through the initial stages of recovery, new funding has been announced by the federal government to support large employers, in addition to provincial programs available to members."
2020 |
Member Memo #5 - COVID-19 Cautious but Optimistic Announcements!
April 30, 2020
"...While we won’t be back to normal for the foreseeable future, some much-needed optimism was announced by the Province of Saskatchewan last week by Premier Scott Moe and yesterday’s announcement made by Premier Brian Pallister releasing their phased-in approach made for Manitobans...."
Restoring Safe Services - Manitoba's Pandemic And Economic Roadmap For Recovery
April 29, 2020
"...COVID-19 is having a global impact. Everything is changing, quickly. The challenge is enormous, but Manitobans have once again risen to the task, some at great personal risk and financial hardship. I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your sacrifice..."
The WRLA and the Lumber and Building Materials Industry's Role in the Economic Recovery
April 28, 2020
"...The building supply industry is an $80+ billion industry that directly employs over 262,000 Canadians. This industry brings a multitude of economic benefits, jobs and investment to the provinces and country..."
Re-Open Saskatchewan - A plan to re-open the provincial economy
April 23, 2020
"...COVID-19 has currently changed the way we live and work – in Saskatchewan, across the country and around the world. It’s impacted the way in which we socialize with our family and friends..."
Member Memo #4 - COVID-19 Business Support Updates
April 14, 2020
"...During a time when there are more questions than answers, we hope to provide you with some clarity and keep you updated on the business support available to you. Time is of the essence with some of these programs, so please be sure to review and respond accordingly if you plan to take advantage of the federal or provincial supports currently available..."
Best Practice for Virtual Meeting
April 8, 2020
"...As coronavirus (COVID-19) forces more employees to work from home, businesses are adapting to a new remote-work business model quickly and effectively. Fortunately, technology has made things a lot easier as many companies are using virtual meetings and conference calls to keep in touch...".
| March
Member Memo #3 - Financial Resources & Business Grants during Covid-19
March 26, 2020
"...To ensure that you are kept up to date on new developments we have pulled together additional resources and recent information to help support your needs at this time...."
WRLA Advocacy Efforts and Call to Action for Members!
March 23, 2020
The Western Retail Lumber Association and its 1,200 member firms in the building supply industry extend into every community across the country contributing to the very fabric of Canada. The industry plays a vital role in our communities, from providing jobs to over 262,000 Canadians to producing and supplying materials that are vital to the construction sector and essential to all Canadians.
Member Memo #2 - Member Resources During COVID-19
March 23, 2020
"...As we continue to navigate through this difficult time together, the WRLA wants to ensure it is providing you with important resources and announcements to help support your business. The next 2-3 months will be critical. We know that several businesses in the West were already in a fragile state as a result of the economy and are now having to weather yet another storm..."
Advocacy Bulletin 7
March 16, 2020
"...On Tuesday, January 21, the WRLA held its 1st annual Advocacy Summit. Members participated in a half-day session to identify areas where the WRLA needs to advocate to governments on behalf of its membership. The session was facilitated by Eric Pelletier of Prospectus Associates, an advocacy firm that we are working with to move our advocacy program forward..."
| October
Advocacy Bulletin 6
October 21, 2019
"...As the federal election date of October 21st rapidly approaches, public opinion polling suggests we are witnessing one of the closest federal election races in recent history. It would appear to be still quite a toss up as to whether the Liberals or the Conservatives will capture the most seats, and whether they will do so with enough seats to form a majority government. Suffice to say that we're likely in for a late night on Monday (or an early Tuesday morning) before we know the final results...."
| September
Advocacy Bulletin 5
September 19, 2019
"...A couple of major political developments have taken place since our last bulletin. The federal election campaign has officially begun, and the Manitoba election has come to an end. Federal Election: With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent visit with the Governor-General, Parliament has been dissolved and as expected Canadians will vote in a Federal election on October 21st....."
| July
Advocacy Bulletin 3
July 11, 2019
"... I wanted to update you on a few things… 1) Our Advocacy and Government Relations Action Plan leading up to the federal election; 2) The key messages we will be delivering to federal politicians over the coming months; 3) Details of my recent trip to Ottawa to meet with like-minded organizations which have many of the same objectives as we have, and to share ideas on plans leading up to the election and explore ways in which we can collaborate with these organizations in order to fully maximize our effectiveness on your behalf..."
| March
Advocacy Bulletin 2
March 20, 2019
"... Yesterday’s Federal Budget certainly contained a number of positive initiatives for our industry, which are the result of much of the lobbying we have been doing over these past several months. These additional incentives to increase the supply of housing, and make more houses, more affordable, for more Canadians are all good news for you our members and our industry colleagues across Canada..."
Advocacy Bulletin 1
March 11, 2019
"...I’m pleased to provide an update on our advocacy efforts to date and plans for further advocacy efforts on your behalf in the coming weeks. We all know the compound effect of policies such as the 25-year mortgage (introduced in 2012) and the January 2018 “stress test” requirement (among others) have had a crippling effect on housing markets. This of course is having a devastating impact on our industry and you, our members, whose livelihoods depend on a robust residential construction sector..."